Graduate Students Present at AIA/SCS Joint Conference
This year from January 2nd to January 5th, the Society for Classical Studies held its 151st joint meeting with the Archeological Institute of America in Washington, D.C. This event gives an opportunity for students and faculty to showcase their research to people across the world.
We are excited that 10 of our graduate students presented papers at the event, and the department congratulates them on a job well done!
Below are our fabulous graduate students and the papers they presented:
Brandon B. Bark
“The Language of Nature and the Nature of Language in Varro’s De Lingua Latina”
Nick Bartos (co-author)
"Looking Out from the Crossroads: Maritime Survey in Southeast Sicily"
Anne Duray
Co-organized a multi-panel session on “Topography and Material Culture in Fifth-Century Drama”
Kevin Ennis (co-author)
“Trinacrian Textile Tools: A Contextual Analysis of Loomweights from a Hellenistic House at Morgantina, Sicily”
Grace Erny
"Beyond Site Size Hierarchies: Reconsidering Small Survey Sites on Crete"
Grace Erny (co-author)
“The 2019 Bays of East Attica Regional Survey (BEARS) Project: New Evidence for the Archaeology of the Bay of Porto Raphti”
Amanda Gaggioli
“Decolonizing Aegean Prehistory: a Postcolonial Critique of the Prehistory/History Divide in Greek Archaeology"
David Pickel
“A Spatial Epidemiological Model of Malaria Transmission Risk in Roman Italy"
David Pickel (co-author)
“The Roman Villa and Late Roman Child Cemetery at Poggio Gramignano (Lugnano in Teverina, Umbria): Report on the 2019 Field Season”
Chenye (Peter) Shi
“Naso Ex Machina: A Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis of Ovid’s Epistolary Poetry”
Verity Walsh
“Criticus Nascitur, Non Fit’: Latin Textual Criticism and the Cult of Male Genius”
Sarah Wilker (co-author)
"Life Afloat: the "Church Wreck" Ship and Its Sailors"
Sarah Wilker (co-author)
“Looking Out from the Crossroads: Maritime Survey in Southeast Sicily”