Jenny Vo-Phamhi '20 Selected for Hume Humanities Honors Fellowship Award

Please join the Department of Classics in congratulating Jenny Vo-Phamhi (B.A. Candidate in Classics and B.S. Candidate in Computer Science) on being selected for the Hume Humanities Honors Fellowship this year! She was nominated by her honors thesis advisor, Professor Richard Saller, and chosen from a highly competitive pool of nominees by the Stanford Humanities Center.

Jenny's honors thesis investigates human trafficking into the Roman world to shed light upon the mechanisms of trafficking into the modern United States and the opportunities to combat this scourge and access victims. Her research draws upon the diverse expertise of the Classics Department and also the Handa Center for Human Rights.

As a Hume Fellow, Jenny hopes to learn from the diverse perspectives which converge at the Humanities Center and help other researchers pursue data analysis in service of humanities research. Congratulations, Jenny!