Paula Gaither and colleagues featured on the Getty's Iris Blog - Rethinking Descriptions of Black Africans in Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Art

The Getty's Iris Blog features work by 1st year PhD student Paula Gaither and colleagues, "Rethinking Descriptions of Black Africans in Greek, Etruscan, and Roman Art". An excerpt: As we work towards an understanding of the ancient Mediterranean that better acknowledges the diversity of its populations, a few descriptive rewrites as we work from home may seem a tiny step, but we believe they are essential. The assumptions inherent in describing ancient Greece and Rome as “the Classical World,” the privileging of whiteness, and the neglect of what has long been considered marginal, have all rooted themselves deeply into practices of both study and display. Object by object, we can make progress towards changing these narratives.

Congratulations on the publication Paula and colleagues!

Getty Blog