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Allyn Waller
PhD Candidate, Language and Literature
MA in Digital Tools for Premodern Studies at Tufts University (2020)
I earned my BA in Classics with a minor in Computer Science from the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts. I then earned my MA in Digital Tools for Premodern Studies from Tufts University in May 2020. My MA Thesis focused on modeling genre in Ancient Greek historiography using machine learning. My current research interests include Digital Humanities in a broad sense and Digital Classics more specifically, as well as Greek and Roman historiography. I have worked on a wide variety of research projects, including developing a system to digitally encode medieval musical notation, contributing to both diplomatic digital editions and critical printed editions of manuscripts, including Isaac Newton's De Motu Corporum, working on optical character recognition for an early printed edition of Livy, and creating a system for aligning ancient texts and modern translations for pedagogical purposes.
Research Interest(s)