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"Mobile Monumentality: the Case of Obelisks," in James Osborne (ed.), Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology

James Osborne
SUNY Press
"Mobile Monumentality: the Case of Obelisks," in James Osborne (ed.), Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology

Monumentality is a human phenomenon that has occurred in nearly all times and places. Because of its ubiquity, monumentality is something that has been studied by a large number of disciplines and individuals. Approaching Monumentality in Archaeology explores the phenomenon of monumental art and architecture from humankind's most ancient past to recent history, and does so using an interdisciplinary approach that incorporates the research of anthropological archaeologists, art historians, classicists, and sociologists working in a wide variety of historical and cultural contexts. The volume seeks to define what is meant by the terms "monument" and "monumentality," and to understand the social and political significance of monument-building as it has manifested around the world. By advocating for a relational approach to the topic that seeks to find monumentality in the ongoing relationship between object and person, this book offers the opportunity to begin the process of uniting these varied interests into a unified discourse.